Representatives from universities and industry are involved in the Quartierstrom project. The project is supported by the pilot, demonstration and lighthouse program of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) and led by ETH Zurich and the University of St. Gallen (HSG):
Verena Tiefenbeck – Scientific Director, Project Manager since July 2019
Sandro Schopfer, backend and smart metering, Project Manager until June 2019
Arne Meeuw – backend and blockchain infrastructure
Anselma Wörmer – backend and markket design
Liliane Ableitner – frontend and user experience
In addition to the core team, further project partner from industry (Wasser- und Elektrizitätswerk Walenstadt WEW, Supercomputing Systems SCS, Sprachwerk, Cleantech 21) and from academia (HSLU Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences) subtantially contribute to the Quartierstrom project.
The Quartierstrom project partner maintain furthermore a close knowledge exchange with a group of experts from industry.
Contact for technical questions:
Verena Tiefenbeck
Project Manager
Bits to Energy Lab ETH Zurich
Weinbergstrasse 56/58
8092 Zürich
Phone +41 44 632 39 53
The Quartierstrom project (2018-2020) was supported by the pilot, demonstration and lighthouse program of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).